Senior Living Alternatives is here to help meet your needs. 

We help find the best accommodations
including an Independent Retirement Community, Assisted Living, and In-Home Care, if staying home alone is no longer possible.

We would love to make one of the homes we work with, your home.

Son with Mom enjoying dinner in assisted living.

Why Choose Us


Senior Living Alternatives offers referrals free of charge to clients looking for Retirement Living for themselves or a loved on.. This free service is made possible by the financial participation of local senior housing communities that compensate senior advisors for their services. We Help Find the Best Accommodations Including Assisted Living, Independent Retirement Community, and In-Home-Care if Staying Home Alone is No Longer Possible.

Valley Senior Living Alternatives

Assisted Living


Let Senior Living Alternatives make the transition to assisted living easy for you. We have familiarity of the facilities, the environments, care levels, and costs. We can take all the questions that most everyone has out of the way when attempting to look at, or go to, many facilities that aren’t appropriate for you or your loved ones needs. This can be a daunting task, and still leave you unclear that you’re making the best choice for your needs. When Senior Living Alternatives helps with that task, we make sure to match your care needs,  budget, and environment best fitting for you to feel comfortable and taken care of.

Valley Senior Living Alternatives

Independent Retirement Community Living


 Senior Independent  living allows retired seniors to live on their own. Most have services that are available such as meals prepared and enjoyed together in a central dining room, and your rooms cleaned for you. Independent Senior Living Communities are designed for older adults, and offer entertainment in a central lobby area, games, and activities of different types, bus services, or parking for your vehicle if you’re still driving. You’re still able to drive to be with friends, or have them in for a visit or meal.

Flower Garden



Moving to a Retirement Community or Assisted Living community can be the beginning of an incredible new journey. If Assisted Living or Independent Community are not fitting for your need, possibly In-Home-Care would be an option. Give us a call or an email or fill out the Helpful Information page of the website and let us help you with the most fitting option.


We found out the end of 2019 that my mother in law had Alzheimer’s and Dementia. She went down hill much faster than we were prepared for. By the end of 2020 we realized she could no longer live alone. She was forgetting to take her medications, not eating a balanced diet, when she remembered to eat at all, and worst of all she was starting to wander. There were many other issues, to numerous to innumerate, including accusations of things we had done, none of which were found to be true when investigate by police and Adult Protective Services. Needless to say, it was a very stressful difficult time. We soon realized we needed help. We were given Jeff’s Senior Living Alternatives contact information from a Social Worker at moms apartment complex. We called Jeff for advice and support. One of the most important things he told us was about an automatic pill dispenser, that Jeff recommended, and was a life saver. The pill machine, as we call it, was a tremendous help with mom taking her medicines on time everyday. It was a game changer. Just being able to talk with Jeff about what we were going thru was a big help. He had been through dementia with his mom and understood our situation completely. He gave us a lot of support, advice, and much needed prayers. Jeff’s support helped us so much. Jeff still continues to reach out to us to see how we are doing and how mom is doing. He’s a very giving, compassionate, and caring person.We would definitely recommend Jeff / Senior Living Alternatives, to anyone seeking help with a family member whether for In-Home-Care, Assisted Living, or advice and support, whatever the care needs are, for yourself or a loved one. Seek whatever help you can, and call Jeff’s Company, Senior Living Alternatives.

Cindy Woodard

In 2018 my husband and I needed to find an assisted living facility for my father-in-law. I was spending hours visiting different facilities trying to find the one that would be a good fit for him. When I discovered Senior Living Alternatives, Jeff asked several questions about my father-in-law, and based on that information made a recommendation. His knowledge of all of the available facilities not only saved me countless hours of research, but helped us find the perfect fit for my father-in-law.

Cindy Elliott

I just wanted to tell you how much I appreciate your services. I asked you to find a place that would take care of Dad during the last few months of his life. I told you I want them to have exceptional care, and a place that would allow Mom to be with Dad, and a place that would allow us to visit Dad as well, during his last months on this earth. You found all of the above. The caregivers were Great! Dad’s exact words were ” I’ve got the cleanest butt I’ve had in 2 years!” Dad was kept clean, bedding changed as needed, and was bathed and dressed almost daily. He was checked on at least every couple of hours or less. My Dad was treated with respect and dignity. All of Mom and Dad’s needs were taken care of. The food was great, and they did everything to try and please Mom and Dad’s food wants, and needs. The rooms and bathrooms were always clean, and their bedding and laundry needs were taken care of. I was never as pleased as when I found Jeff, and he offered and helped us out. I would, and have, recommended Jeff’s Company – Senior Living Alternatives, to others. Jeff’s trustworthiness and confidence are the reason I was willing to use his service. I am so glad you helped us through the placement process and got the exact care needs met for my folks. I don’t think I would have made placement as successfully on my own, if you hadn’t convinced me it would be worth it, and my parents would have the best quality of life for the remaining time Dad had. Words can’t express what you were able to let my family experience in the last 6 weeks of Dad’s life.

Jim and Jayna Eager

It is with great pleasure that we endorse the services of Jeff Ford. My father was in failing health hundreds of miles away and he needed to be closer to family. The question was where and how do we do this. We found Jeff and he stepped right in to help. He listened and then evaluated what he thought would work best for us. We visited facilities and he went with us to set those up. After seeing a few we found the perfect fit for my father. Without Jeff’s help navigating all of that at such a stressful time would have been difficult.

Jeff is so passionate about what he does and truly cares. God is using him in a powerful way. We know God put us together in our time of need.

Brenda & John Wight

Jeff’s company, Senior Living Alternatives, helped us find a good fit for my father-in-law. He was needing more care than the current place could provide. Not only does Jeff have a heart for the elderly and their family, due to his personal experience helping his Mom through the aging process, he is very personable and friendly. He listened to our needs and recommended a place that fit our needs perfectly. Our family wanted to remain very involved. Not only did Grandpa get good physical care, he also got emotional care. We were able to have birthday parties, Christmas and Thanksgiving together, along with day to day visits. The care givers were kind and the place was well cared for. We were so thankful to Jeff for his recommendation.

Reagan Tuman & Family

Jeff’s company, Senior Living Alternatives, was an excellent resource for my family as we were looking into places for my father to live. He seems to genuinely care for the individuals and families he helps.

Mark Smither

Jeff Ford of Senior Living Alternatives has been a God send. I was desperately in need of getting some additional resources for my elderly grandparents and he didn’t just offer to help but went above and beyond. I was dealing with a heavy burden of not knowing where to go, what to do, how to do it and he came in to the rescue at just the right place and at the right time. Not only was he able to connect us with the right avenues, he also provided world class service through it all. He was caring, compassionate, empathetic, and so so encouraging. If you are looking for someone that will get the job done, then don’t hesitate to get ahold of Jeff, he won’t disappoint you.

Miriam Juarez-Bermudez

I can’t say thank you enough to Jeff, with Senior Living Alternatives, for his help. Although he was not able to place my grandfather into assisted living, due to available finances, Jeff gave me many resources and contacts that I was able to use to find my grandfather convalescent care. If finances allow, Jeff, at Senior Living Alternatives, is a trustworthy source to do the very best possible to make the quality of life for yourself, or for your loved one. He did not judge, and did not request anything in return. He even prayed with me on the phone. I highly recommend Jeff to anyone, seeking help for for In-Home Senior Care, Senior Independent Retirement Community, or Assisted Living. I am sincerely grateful for all Jeff’s help, and patience, throughout the process.

Cassandra Garcia

We found out the end of 2019 that my mother-in-law had Alzheimer’s and Dementia. She went downhill much faster than we thought she would or that we were prepared for. The end of 2020 we realized she could no longer live alone. She was forgetting to take her medications, she wasn’t eating a balanced diet, when she remembered to eat, she could no longer work her TV remote. She would sit in the dark at night, not remembering how to turn on her lights. She thought they didn’t work, because they didn’t come on automatically. She couldn’t work her washer and dryer. The worst part was she was starting to wander. She would have no idea where she was going and leaving with no purse, ID or even her keys. She would just take off walking. She was hiding everything in her in apartment. She was convinced people were breaking into her apartment and stealing these things. These items were things important to her. She hid her keys, checks, credit/debit cards, cell phone, TV remote, etc. It was a constant battle to talk her out of calling the police almost daily. My wife and I spent hours every week searching for her hidden items. We had to show her constantly that she was hiding the item and that no one was breaking into her apartment and taking them. It was extremely stressful for us. We had to check on mom daily. Sometimes as many as 3-4 times a day. We had to go over to see how she was. Then there were her never ending phone calls to us. She now had no filter. She would not think there was anything wrong with calling us all hours of the day and night. We would get calls at 1,2,3 4am. Just to ask us what day it was? When was her next doctor‘s appointment? Where is her debit card? On a good day we would get 20 calls a day. On a bad day it would be over 60 calls in one day. With her asking the same things repeatedly. It was exhausting for us.
We were afraid to not answer her calls for fear she may be hurt or in need of help.
In May mom had her apartment manger call Adult Protective Services and the Police on us! She was convinced that we were breaking into her apartment and stealing her items that she was hiding everyday. Sometimes she would have really bad episodes and direct all her anger over having Alzheimer’s at us. Her doctor said it’s very common for people with Alzheimer’s to accuse the only people helping them of hurting them. Doesn’t make it any easier on the family. It was heart breaking to hear her mom tell my wife (her daughter) that she hated her and wanted to put her in jail. It was especially hard on us when we were doing so much to help her and we were the only family members helping her at all. It hurt us a great deal for her to accuse us of stealing from her. She would cuss us out and threaten to kill us.
Before she called the police on us we had been trying to get mom to move in with us. But she refused to give up her independence. She wanted to stay in her apartment. After all her threats and calls to the police we realized she could not move in with us. The police officer told us she could accuse us of anything, and we would constantly have to prove our innocence. When we saw how bad her anger was, we knew we wouldn’t be safe with her under our roof.
The police and adult protective services investigated and found we had done nothing wrong. They found all the items hidden in her apartment that she accused us of taking. We know that she would never do something like this to us if she were in her right mind. But when she has these bad episodes, she was mean and hateful (which the doctor says happens all the time with Alzheimers patients) There was no talking sense to her when she was like this, she was totally unreasonable. She truly wanted to see us suffer. It was heart breaking for my wife and I.
Up until this point we had navigated this alone. We soon realized we needed help. We were given Jeff Fords name from a Social Worker at moms apartment complex. We called him for advise and support. One of the most important things he told us was about an automatic pill dispenser, that was a life saver. The pill machine as we call it, was a tremendous help with mom taking her medicines on time everyday. It was a game changer. She was really bad when she wasn’t taking her medications at the right time or at all. Just being able to talk to Jeff about what we were going through was a big help. Jeff had told us he went through something similar with his mom and completely understood where we were at. He gave us a lot of support, advise and much needed prayers. His support helped us so much.
We eventually had to place mom in a convalescent home at the end of 2020. Jeff still continues to reach out to us to see how we are doing and how mom is doing. He’s a very giving, compassionate, and caring person. We would definitely recommend him to anyone seeking help with any family member with Alzheimer’s or Dementia. He has gone down this road himself so he is a wealth of knowledge. It’s very comforting to be able to talk to someone who knows what your going through. He helped make this awful time more bearable for us. This has truly been the most terrible thing we have ever had to go through. It’s not an easy road at all. It’s still hard. Seek whatever help you can. Call Jeff Ford!

Steve and Cindy

I have known Jeff for many years. You will find him knowledgeable and caring. I recommend him as a great resource.

Dayton Kitterman

Jeff had excellent customer service. He was very caring and helpful. He shared experiences that will help me make a good decision for choosing a great place for my mother. She is turning 70 years old and just had open heart surgery and I am unable to be around for the constant assistance she needs.
Jeff is a thoughtful religious man who said he would pray for my mother and I. I appreciate his prayers and concern for us.

John Mendez

Jeff was very willing to help and spend the time to answer questions and give advice to help get my mom full time care. He was very kind and compassionate. Thank you!

R. Minor

Thank you so much Jeff for the prayers and kind words, but most of all for your assistance and support through this entire process! I am so grateful for all of your help
? Lori G.

It comes as a shock when your family member is told by their physician that they no longer can live alone. The list of Assisted Living and Skilled Nursing facilities is daunting.
Jeff at Senior Living Alternatives was very helpful guiding me through the selection process. He treated it as if he was placing his own family member, taking care to choose the right facility for my sisters needs.
The Assisted Living route did not work out for my sister, as her care needs and out of pocket expenses were beyond her financial status. Jeff was nothing but supportive in our decision making process.
I highly recommend this service from a dedicated, christian man.
Patty Fawkes

Jeff was an excellent resource. He truly helped relieve our stress level in explaining all of our alternatives.
Stella Smith

Serving Fresno, Kings, and Tulare Counties

1120 E. Acequia Ave.

Visalia CA 93292